I am fourteen years old. I am a lover of Christ living in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
I have discovered that God is a very enjoyable person. God does not want us to worship Him in a formal and repetitive way. The word "worship" in Hebrew means "to kiss". When we worship God, we are actually kissing Him. A kiss is very intimate and sweet. You can't kiss a person if they are far away from you. We have to get close to God and touch Him in order to worship Him.
One way to touch God is to call upon His name. A name denotes a person. Calling on the Lord is to cry out for the Lord's very person.
Isaiah 12:3 says, "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." Christ is my living water. The well is in my human spirit. When I call on His name, I draw water out of the wells of salvation. If I am thirsty I just need to call, "Oh Lord Jesus!" and I will be refreshed.
Sometimes, it is difficult to call on the Lord. God's enemy, Satan, tries to fill my "well" with dirt and rocks so it's hard to draw water. But I need to dig out all these hindrances to drink the water. The way to dig is to praise the Lord and keep calling on His name. If I continue to dig, eventually a stream of water will come flowing from the well within me.
Calling on the Lord fills me with the Lord. Calling on Him rescues me from distress, trouble, sorrow, and pain. By calling on Him, I receive mercy and the Holy Spirit.
Oh Lord Jesus! It is so easy to call on the name of the Lord. I can call on Him anywhere and anytime of the day. He is so available, so rich, and so enjoyable, to drink!